Monday 7 March 2011

Inflation .. Inflating !!!

Inflation in India is totally out of control. Prices of necessary commodities have already doubled. With increase in Petrol prices every month, we are now in a position out of control. Inflation itself is inflating !! How does the government this people can survive with this growing inflation ? Are they expecting us to live by these rising prices ?

More than 70% of India is from middle economic and lower economic classes which constitutes to 70 crores. With 70 crore people suffering to live, how can government stand still without lending help. It is really a great disgrace to India that government refuses to reveal the list of people with illegal swiss bank accounts even when the bank is ready !

With the 'Raja Spectrum' scam, 'ISRO Spectrum' Scam, 'IPL Scam', 'Land Scam', 'Banks Scam', India has become a Scam hit nation. Is there no gentlemen in this country ? Not even few brave people to unearth the culprits ?

How are these related to Inflation ? Let me tell you an example !

There were Tigers, Deer and a pond in a forest. Deer used to drink water. Tiger used to feed on Deer. When clouds rain, pond used to fill. When all Tiger stopped hunting the deer and started consuming the same food as the Deer, food in the forest exhausted and Deer started to die. But the Tigers are still left with an option of feeding on the Deer. But once all the deer were dead, tigers started killing each other and at last, no animal was left in the forest !

When the natural process is deviated, the species at the lower level in food chain get affected. This will have a slow yet definite impact on the entire ecological balance. Same is the case here in our context. With all the influential people getting corrupted, people of lower classes are getting affected. One day this will definitely impact the people at higher economic levels definitely.

Unless everyone realizes this fact and strives to prevent anything that is illegal, India can't advance !!

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